Delivered-To: Received: by with SMTP id p7cs86782wfj; Thu, 11 Sep 2008 06:30:12 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with SMTP id 13mr3406012anf.83.1221139811699; Thu, 11 Sep 2008 06:30:11 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: softfail ( domain of transitioning does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=; Received: by with POP3 id e19mf62448qba.37; Thu, 11 Sep 2008 06:30:10 -0700 (PDT) X-Gmail-Fetch-Info: 7 110 Return-path: Envelope-to: Delivery-date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:46:57 -0400 Received: from ([] helo=ShannonPC) by with esmtp (Exim 4.69) (envelope-from ) id 1KdlZX-0000cZ-2c; Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:46:57 -0400 From: "Shannon O'Neal" To: Cc: "'Dan Cosgrove'" References: <008401c91346$e45d0670$0a01a8c0@Dan2> <4F2B3E2208CE404680FDBF2F14CD03A90E1C85@tassbs.TAS.local> <012901c91350$f87d9160$0a01a8c0@Dan2> <00e301c91352$7a41d2f0$6ec578d0$@com> <025a01c91354$e00367f0$a00a37d0$@com> <03bb01c9137d$8b82ba90$0a01a8c0@Dan2> <01ac01c9137d$e4df9ef0$ae9edcd0$@com> <03f401c9137f$446ae400$0a01a8c0@Dan2> <01cb01c9137f$a172cf00$e4586d00$@com> <041101c9137f$dfb00940$0a01a8c0@Dan2> <01f201c91380$98016660$c8043320$@com> <033801c91381$25b5f340$7121d9c0$@com> <021201c91384$dd86a750$9893f5f0$@com> <036501c91385$dfce7f00$9f6b7d00$@com> <022201c91387$15fdb130$41f91390$@com> <037901c91388$21d42100$657c6300$@com> <025901c91389$94f0b4e0$bed21ea0$@com> <039d01c9138c$7dd85ad0$79891070$@com> In-Reply-To: <039d01c9138c$7dd85ad0$79891070$@com> Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:46:52 -0400 Message-ID: <005f01c9140c$78314df0$6893e9d0$@com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0060_01C913EA.F11FADF0" X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0 Thread-Index: AckTRuKJhEDRbhB4R/+kCIHlsXW9uAAAeLtAAAGeTaAAAMoQwAAAVZBgAApWRAAAACg6EAAAWxIAAAAWkLAAABNbcAAAJQWgAAAtnBAAAOE0sAAALRMAAAA09NAAAFaf8AAAZ0mQAABCpQAAIFvK0A== Content-Language: en-us This is a multipart message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0060_01C913EA.F11FADF0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Brian, Let=92s get started on these changes (changing to 215 instead of 888, = and letting messages go back to Dan=92s voicemail for his retrieval) for = now. =20 I wrote Deb that we have to talk we don=92t have a choice but to cut = back. I will talk to her about getting talk time down to less than a minute. We = may have to just have them simply take a message informing customer=92s they = will be emailed in response. This is only temporary =96 but necessary none-the-less.=20 =20 If towneanswering decides they cannot make any adjustments =96 we will = need to be ready for the super -saver option #2 you came up with Brian. the = reason I don=92t want to jump to this options is because I am hoping to = maintain our contract with towneanswering and that they will work with us temporarily until we get out of this slump. =20 1. If we=92re going to go simpler, let=92s save some significant = money a. For quotes Direct all to a voicemail extension prompt. Warn = they won=92t get a response if they don=92t give info. There may be a cool = feature we can use (I need to check) to drive them through prompts for each piece = of info b. For =93messages=94 - $29.95/month: unlimited voicemail to text = (via email) =20 =20 =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: [] = Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:31 PM To: 'Shannon O'Neal' Cc: 'Dan Cosgrove' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 OK, I think we have a hard road if we want to change back to the old way = of doing things =20 We have TWO options (short of getting deb to go back to old way =96 = shan, swing for the fences by all means) =20 2. Reduce talk time and quantity of phone calls If we get the talk time down to about 1 minute, we will be paying $1 = like we were before, with the added bonus of having things nice how they are = right now How do we do this? As I stated, (1) remove 888 from the quote page = (I=92m sure this would at least cut the quotes in =BD), (2) make it a 215 (not toll = free) number, and (3) redirect 215-529-5555 to voicemail I think this will make considerable savings in both average talk time = and quantity of calls right down to about where we were before in terms of = cost 3. If we=92re going to go simpler, let=92s save some significant = money a. For quotes Direct all to a voicemail extension prompt. Warn = they won=92t get a response if they don=92t give info. There may be a cool = feature we can use (I need to check) to drive them through prompts for each piece = of info b. For =93messages=94 - $29.95/month: unlimited voicemail to text = (via email) =20 =20 =20 Regards, Brian Vass=20 Brazilian Direct LTD Regional Sales Manager Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108=20 Click to call me =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:10 PM To: Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Okay, =20 =20 =20 $705 =96 $500 =3D $205 difference =85 sure. =20 Anyway, I=92m going to make these changes tonight =85 I know dan is = pissed, but I don=92t think deb is going to go back to the old way, and I don=92t = think we want to be fielding 400 extra calls per month. You=92re right. we must = cut back somehow though. What are our options other than those you have mentioned? =20 You=92re getting all of the calls that are coming to you (your line is = working fine) hahahaha =96 I just wish there were more;-) it has never been so = quiet before. =20 I=92m certain that these changes will make a reduction in the cost - $ = 205 reduction? =20 We may temporarily want to preface our voice message as well with =93We = cannot offer maintenance advice on floors not bought from us as manufacturers finishes vary=94 =96 I know word of mouth etc etc, but gotta cut back = somehow I agree, let=92s do it! can we do the =91click here for a call=92 too? =20 Thanks Brian. =20 Regards, Brian Vass=20 Brazilian Direct LTD Regional Sales Manager Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108=20 Click to call me =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:52 PM To: Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Brian, It=92s just $450 difference =96 pfft. =20 I will email Deb and tell her we need to find a short term solution as = we need to cut back during this slump (Or we won=92t even be able to pay = them $54). =20 I like the idea of qualifying the leads online first by changing the = number and saying click here for a call. That may be a good short term = solution. I wouldn=92t mind (I say now) fielding those messages as they come thru. Especially since business is sloooow. By the way =96 are messages not = coming to my phone or are calls dramatically low? J =20 I=92ll tell her you and Nate will work on a reasonable solutions. = Either way for us, we need to bring costs down right now. =20 Thanks for all your great ideas. shan =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: [] = Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:43 PM To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; 'Dan Cosgrove' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 No prob, I was a bit unclear :) =20 Here=92s the way the math works (I think the monthly maintenance fee is = $90) for last month =20 OLD WAY: 410 calls x $1/call + $90 account fee =3D $500 NEW WAY: 410 calls x $1.5/call (avg talk time was 1.5 min) + $90 account = fee =3D $705 =20 It=92d be cheaper, but its not quite $54 vs $700 cheaper ;) =20 I think we=92d have a fight on our hands to get them to go back to the = old way =96 as I think deb feels now looking back the =93old way=94 was a bit = underbilled vs the work involved (no less than what their doing now) =20 And if they=92d refuse to go back to that -- I don=92t think we=92d be = able to do much better elsewhere to be honest =96 though I will look for = alternatives again =20 =20 =20 Regards, Brian Vass=20 Brazilian Direct LTD Regional Sales Manager Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108=20 Click to call me =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:36 PM To:; 'Dan Cosgrove' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Sorry brian I thought your line (Towne took over 54 quotes over the = phone since august 18) this was equivalent to the total number calls =96=20 =20 this sounds like it may be a solution. Do you want to try this first = Dan? =20 =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: [] = Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:10 PM To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; 'Dan Cosgrove' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 You=92re using fuzzy math here =20 The actual number of calls was OVER 400 =20 =20 I think if we do two things, we can reduce the quantity of calls without needing to change anything =20 1) Remove line from quote form about calling for quote =96 and = instead say if they want a call to fill out the quote form and tick the box to =93please call me=94 2) Add a 215 # for $4.99 / month to ring central. This way we still have the ring central line and everything, however its not an 888 # so people won=92t associate it as toll free =96 I realize this doesn=92t = look as nice as an 888 #, however if we are reducing costs, this will reduce the = number of calls 3) Turn off forward to answering service from dan=92s phone, = instead direct it to voicemail =20 I think this can have a significant impact on the number of calls we are receiving =20 Note, the reason this month seems more expensive than usual was because = of a higher QUANTITY of calls in addition to the slightly higher per call =20 Regards, Brian Vass=20 Brazilian Direct LTD Regional Sales Manager Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108=20 Click to call me =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:06 PM To: 'Dan Cosgrove'; Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 I=92LL call Deb, Do we want the message sent to me then? or you or brian? I think one = person should manage so we are not doubling up. =20 Let me know and I will call. At a $1 a call =96 bill could have been = $54! A little less convenienc, but not too shabby. =20 =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: Dan Cosgrove []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:00 PM To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 brian=20 =20 be the hammer=20 shan play clean up=20 =20 Sincerely,=20 Dan Cosgrove, President=20 Brazilian Direct Ltd.=20 888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622) Ext 107 888-246-1964 (FAX)=20 267-221-6133 (CELL)=20 =20 Join the professional network and register at=20 Please be sure to include previous=20 correspondence when replying.=20 =20 _____ =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:59 PM To: 'Dan Cosgrove'; Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Brain, have you talked to Nate or anyone there recently? I don=92t want = to step on your toes here . . . What are your feeling on this? =20 I have no problem going back - to the way we were - =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: Dan Cosgrove []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:56 PM To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 you need to make this happen=20 =20 $ 1.00 per call but she says they will not go back she needs to know we = need to go back =20 or go away =20 =20 Sincerely,=20 Dan Cosgrove, President=20 Brazilian Direct Ltd.=20 888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622) Ext 107 888-246-1964 (FAX)=20 267-221-6133 (CELL)=20 =20 Join the professional network and register at=20 Please be sure to include previous=20 correspondence when replying.=20 =20 _____ =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:46 PM To: 'Dan Cosgrove'; Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 What would you like to do? I am open to whatever will save up money right now. =20 Should we go back to taking a message =96 a dollar a call? =20 Are there certain times of day it would benefit us to use them? =20 What can we do to meet them half way? =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: Dan Cosgrove []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:44 PM To:; 'Shannon O'Neal' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 we need a solution to this soon =20 make her ( towne ) the offer to go back or find another source =20 even if it is computer generated voice=20 =20 Sincerely,=20 Dan Cosgrove, President=20 Brazilian Direct Ltd.=20 888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622) Ext 107 888-246-1964 (FAX)=20 267-221-6133 (CELL)=20 =20 Join the professional network and register at=20 Please be sure to include previous=20 correspondence when replying.=20 =20 _____ =20 From: [] = Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:53 AM To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; 'Dan Cosgrove' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 We=92re at a difficult point here=85 I have previously looked into other answering services, and have found that towne is priced competitively = versus what I had found elsewhere=85 =20 Taking away the ability for quotes to be directly input into the system = and for messages to go directly to the reps puts us back in a position where = Dan is a dispatcher/bottleneck for this info =96 which is both unnecessary workload and slows down our ability to respond. It also creates a higher likelihood that someone will get two different lines of dialog (one from = one rep, one from another) =20 Towne took over 54 quotes over the phone since august 18 =20 We can add a 215 # on to the ring central account for $4.99/month=85.we = can put this on the contact us page if you do not want people calling = because it looks like it=92s toll free. Perhaps we can force people into the =93Ok, = if you want it to be free fill out the form, if you want to call, it=92s going = to be long distance=94 line of thought =20 Some of the calls the answering service gets are forwarded from calling = the 529-5555 # directly =85 do you want that to start going to a voicemail? =20 Do we add a line =93Unfortunately we can=92t offer maintenance or troubleshooting advice on floors unless they have been purchased from us = =93 ?? =20 Regards, Brian Vass=20 Brazilian Direct LTD Regional Sales Manager Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108=20 Click to call me =20 From: Shannon O'Neal []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:35 AM To: 'Dan Cosgrove' Cc: '-Braz Direct - Brian Vass VP IT ' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Shall we go back to the old way and have them let customers know they = will be emailed instead? =20 Shannon O'Neal Vice President, Customer Relations Brazilian Direct Ltd. Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101 Email: =20 =20 From: Dan Cosgrove []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:25 AM Cc: '-Braz Direct - Shannon O'Neal VP'; '-Braz Direct - Brian Vass VP IT = ' Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 I was just about to send this but decided to send it to you 1st =20 Deb, =20 If you think I can pay you $ 10,000 year for answering the phone=20 & you will not go back to $ 1.00 per call we are in a bad place. You can play=20 out this hand all you want but you will force us in another direction. =20 Bottom line is we could not sell enough floors to pay you $ 10,000 per = year. In addition, you referred to no one can work for free & you need to pay = your people =20 well it would appear to me by your response that our business is not = worth keeping. =20 =93No one can work for free=94 so you will be fine w/o out business. =20 Sincerely,=20 Dan Cosgrove, President=20 Brazilian Direct Ltd.=20 888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622) Ext 107 888-246-1964 (FAX)=20 267-221-6133 (CELL)=20 =20 Join the professional network and register at=20 Please be sure to include previous=20 correspondence when replying.=20 =20 _____ =20 From: Deb Crown []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:43 AM To: Dan Cosgrove Cc: Nate Gefvert; -Braz Direct - Shannon O'Neal VP; -Braz Direct - Brian Vass VP IT=20 Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Dan, =20 Regarding the invoice: I applied $194.15 to the final Jatoba invoice; = that is what was owed on that account after the credit was taken. Therefore, = the 1802.85 was applied to Brazilian. =20 Regarding the per minute charge: I guess you don=92t recall that I had = told you that we would be charging by the minute if we were working off your website because time is the only method of tracking we would have. We = have been charging you in that way since June. In reality, it is my fault = that we hadn=92t been charging you in that way even when on =91the old system=92 = because the calls were always very involved and took a lot of operator time.=20 =20 I feel Nate and Brian did a fantastic job (and I did not charge you for = any of Nate=92s time that he spent on improving your account) with tweaking everything to become more user-friendly and I think the results speak = for themselves; I believe that your staff now has better information to work with. We are not interested in reverting back to the old way and I=92d = guess that your sales staff is not either. I understand the issues with the economy, etc. The bottom line is that we all have to be able to pay our people; there is no sense in selling anyone a floor if you didn=92t make = any money off it; same for us. No one can afford to work for free. =20 I just ran a report and, since Aug 1, we have processed 410 calls with = the average talk time being 1.5 minutes. I think that is excellent. If = you=92d like to try to eliminate the =91junk=92 calls so we would not have to = speak to them at all, perhaps that could be done be putting a different message = in the greeting voice mail.=20 =20 I value any input that you, Brian or Shannon may have=85. =20 Regards, Deb =20 =20 From: Dan Cosgrove []=20 Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:13 AM To: Deb Crown Cc: Nate Gefvert; -Braz Direct - Shannon O'Neal VP; -Braz Direct - Brian Vass VP IT=20 Subject: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # 08082603544 =20 Deb, =20 In looking at a recent bill in August, it appears like the switch from a = $ 1.00 per call have gone over to=20 @ $ 1.00 per minute (Operator talk time ). In stead of spending @ $ = 200.00 month we have tripled that now at $ 702.48 per month=20 or 3 x the expenditure. I do not know how to fix this but we will need = to go back to the old system ASAP. The industry over all is as bad a the economy & tripling our cost per = month (regardless of the improvements) is just not feasible at this time. Can we do anything to adjust this = bill ? =20 I will have Brian & Nate work on this today ASAP =20 In addition, i dropped off a check # 2607 the day of the meeting 8/13 = for $ 2000.00 & I see only 1802.85 posted?=20 =20 Sincerely,=20 Dan Cosgrove, President=20 Brazilian Direct Ltd.=20 Direct line 888-452-8622 Ext 107 888-246-1964 (FAX)=20 =20 Join the professional network and register at=20 Please be sure to include previous=20 correspondence when replying.=20 =20 =20 =20 No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.17/1655 - Release Date: = 9/10/2008 6:00 AM No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.17/1655 - Release Date: = 9/10/2008 6:00 AM No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.17/1655 - Release Date: = 9/10/2008 6:00 AM No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.17/1655 - Release Date: = 9/10/2008 6:00 AM No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.17/1655 - Release Date: = 9/10/2008 6:00 AM ------=_NextPart_000_0060_01C913EA.F11FADF0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Let’s get started on these changes (changing to 215 = instead of 888, and letting messages go back to Dan’s voicemail for his retrieval) = for now.


I wrote Deb that we have to talk we don’t have a = choice but to cut back.=A0 I will talk to her about getting talk time down to less = than a minute.=A0 We may have to just have them simply take a message informing = customer’s they will be emailed in response.=A0 This is only temporary – but = necessary none-the-less.


If towneanswering decides they cannot make any = adjustments – we will need to be ready for the super -saver option #2 you came up with = Brian.=A0 the reason I don’t want to jump to this options is because I am hoping = to maintain our contract with towneanswering and that they will work with us = temporarily until we get out of this slump.


1.       If we’re going to go simpler, let’s save some = significant money

a.       = For quotes Direct all to a voicemail extension prompt. Warn they = won’t get a response if they don’t give info. There may be a cool feature we = can use (I need to check) to drive them through prompts for each piece of = info

b.      = For “messages” - $29.95/month: unlimited voicemail to text (via email) oducts.html




Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= = []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:31 PM
To: 'Shannon O'Neal'
Cc: 'Dan Cosgrove'
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


OK, I think we have a hard road if we want to change back = to the old way of doing things


We have TWO options (short of getting deb to go back to = old way – shan, swing for the fences by all means)


2.       Reduce talk time and quantity of phone = calls

If we get the = talk time down to about 1 minute, we will be paying $1 like we were before, = with the added bonus of having things nice how they are right = now

How do we do this? As I stated, (1) remove 888 from the quote page = (I’m sure this would at least cut the quotes in =BD), (2) make it a 215 (not toll = free) number, and (3) redirect 215-529-5555 to voicemail

I think this will make considerable savings in both average talk time = and quantity of calls right down to about where we were before in terms of = cost

3.       If we’re going to go simpler, let’s save some = significant money

a.       = For quotes Direct all to a voicemail extension prompt. Warn they = won’t get a response if they don’t give info. There may be a cool feature we = can use (I need to check) to drive them through prompts for each piece of = info

b.      = For “messages” - $29.95/month: unlimited voicemail to text (via email) oducts.html





Brian Vass
Brazilian Direct LTD
Regional Sales Manager

Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108 m
Click to call me


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544






$705 – $500 =3D $205 difference …  = sure.


Anyway, I’m going to make these changes tonight = … I know dan is pissed, but I don’t think deb is going to go back to the old way, = and I don’t think we want to be fielding 400 extra calls per monthYou’re right.  we must cut back somehow = though.  What are our options other than those you have = mentioned?


You’re getting all of the calls that are coming to = you (your line is working fine)  hahahaha – I just wish there = were more;-) it has never been so quiet before.


I’m certain that these changes will make a = reduction in the cost - $ 205 reduction?


We may temporarily want to preface our voice = message as well with “We cannot offer maintenance advice on floors not bought = from us as manufacturers finishes vary” – I know word of mouth etc etc, = but gotta cut back somehow  I agree, let’s do it!  can we do the = ‘click here for a call’ too?


Thanks Brian.



Brian Vass
Brazilian Direct LTD
Regional Sales Manager

Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108 m
Click to call me


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544



It’s just $450 difference – = pfft.


I will email Deb and tell her we need to find a short = term solution as we need to cut back during this slump (Or we won’t = even be able to pay them $54).


I like the idea of qualifying the leads online first by = changing the number and saying click here for a call.  That may be a good = short term solution. I wouldn’t mind (I say now) fielding those messages = as they come thru. Especially since business is sloooow. By the way – are = messages not coming to my phone or are calls dramatically low? J


I’ll tell her you and Nate will work on a = reasonable solutions.  Either way for us, we need to bring costs down right = now.


Thanks for all your great ideas.



Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:43 PM
To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; 'Dan Cosgrove'
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


No prob, I was a bit unclear :)


Here’s the way the math works  (I think the = monthly maintenance fee is $90) for last month


OLD WAY: 410 calls x $1/call + $90 account fee =3D = $500

NEW WAY: 410 calls x $1.5/call (avg talk time was 1.5 = min) + $90 account fee =3D $705


It’d be cheaper, but its not quite $54 vs $700 = cheaper ;)


I think we’d have a fight on our hands to get them = to go back to the old way – as I think deb feels now looking back the “old = way” was a bit underbilled vs the work involved (no less than what their doing = now)


And if they’d refuse to go back to that -- I = don’t think we’d be able to do much better elsewhere to be honest – though I will look = for alternatives again





Brian Vass
Brazilian Direct LTD
Regional Sales Manager

Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108 m
Click to call me


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:36 PM
To:; 'Dan Cosgrove'
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


Sorry brian I thought your line  (Towne took over 54 quotes over the phone since august = 18)

 this was equivalent to the total number calls = –


this sounds like it may be a solution.  Do you want = to try this first Dan?



Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= = []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:10 PM
To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; 'Dan Cosgrove'
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


You’re using fuzzy math here


The actual number of calls was OVER = 400



I think if we do two things, we can reduce the quantity = of calls without needing to change anything


1)      Remove line from quote form about calling for quote = – and instead say if they want a call to fill out the quote form and tick the = box to “please call me”

2)      Add a 215 # for $4.99 / month to ring central. This way = we still have the ring central line and everything, however its not an 888 # so = people won’t associate it as toll free – I realize this = doesn’t look as nice as an 888 #, however if we are reducing costs, this will reduce the number of = calls

3)      Turn off forward to answering service from dan’s = phone, instead direct it to voicemail


I think this can have a significant impact on the number = of calls we are receiving


Note, the reason this month seems more expensive than = usual was because of a higher QUANTITY of calls in addition to the slightly higher = per call



Brian Vass
Brazilian Direct LTD
Regional Sales Manager

Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108 m
Click to call me


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:06 PM
To: 'Dan Cosgrove';
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


I’LL call Deb,

Do we want the message sent to me then? or you or = brian?  I think one person should manage so we are not doubling = up.


Let me know and I will call.  At a $1 a call – = bill could have been $54!  A little less convenienc, but not too = shabby.



Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= Dan = Cosgrove []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:00 PM
To: 'Shannon O'Neal';
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544




be the hammer

shan play clean up



Dan Cosgrove, President
Brazilian Direct Ltd.
888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622)  Ext 107
888-246-1964&= nbsp;(FAX)
267-221-6133 (CELL)<= o:p>

Join the professional network and register at
www.brazilianhardwood= .com/_crm/pro/

Please be sure to include previous
correspondence= when replying. =


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:59 PM
To: 'Dan Cosgrove';
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


Brain, have you talked to Nate or anyone there = recently?  I don’t want to step on your toes here . . .

What are your feeling on this?


I have no problem going back  - to the way we were = -


Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= Dan = Cosgrove []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:56 PM
To: 'Shannon O'Neal';
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


you need to make this happen


$ 1.00 per call but she says they will not go back she needs to know we = need to go back


or go away 



Dan Cosgrove, President
Brazilian Direct Ltd.
888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622)  Ext 107
888-246-1964&= nbsp;(FAX)
267-221-6133 (CELL)<= o:p>

Join the professional network and register at
www.brazilianhardwood= .com/_crm/pro/

Please be sure to include previous
correspondence= when replying. =


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:46 PM
To: 'Dan Cosgrove';
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


What would you like to do?

I am open to whatever will save up money right = now.


Should we go back to taking a message – a dollar a = call?


Are there certain times of day it would benefit us to use = them?


What can we do to meet them half = way?


Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= Dan = Cosgrove []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 3:44 PM
To:; 'Shannon O'Neal'
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


we need a solution to this soon


make her ( towne ) the offer to go back or find another = source


even if it is computer generated voice



Dan Cosgrove, President
Brazilian Direct Ltd.
888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622)  Ext 107
888-246-1964&= nbsp;(FAX)
267-221-6133 (CELL)<= o:p>

Join the professional network and register at
www.brazilianhardwood= .com/_crm/pro/

Please be sure to include previous
correspondence= when replying. =


From:= []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:53 AM
To: 'Shannon O'Neal'; 'Dan Cosgrove'
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


We’re at a difficult point here… I have = previously looked into other answering services, and have found that towne is priced = competitively versus what I had found elsewhere…


Taking away the ability for quotes to be directly input = into the system and for messages to go directly to the reps puts us back in a = position where Dan is a dispatcher/bottleneck for this info – which is both = unnecessary workload and slows down our ability to respond. It also creates a higher likelihood that someone will get two different lines of dialog (one from = one rep, one from another)


Towne took over 54 quotes over the phone since august = 18


We can add a 215 # on to the ring central account for $4.99/month….we can put this on the contact us page if you do not = want people calling because it looks like it’s toll free. Perhaps we can force = people into the “Ok, if you want it to be free fill out the form, if you want = to call, it’s going to be long distance” line of thought


Some of the calls the answering service gets are = forwarded from calling the 529-5555 # directly … do you want that to start going = to a voicemail?


Do we add a line “Unfortunately we can’t = offer maintenance or troubleshooting advice on floors unless they have been purchased from us = “ ??



Brian Vass
Brazilian Direct LTD
Regional Sales Manager

Direct: 888-452-8622 x 108 m
Click to call me


From:= Shannon = O'Neal []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:35 AM
To: 'Dan Cosgrove'
Cc: '-Braz Direct - Brian Vass VP IT '
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


Shall we go back to the old way and have them let = customers know they will be emailed instead?


Shannon O'Neal

Vice President, Customer Relations

Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Phone: 1-888-452-8622 Ext. 101

Email: =



From:= Dan = Cosgrove []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:25 AM
Cc: '-Braz Direct - Shannon O'Neal VP'; '-Braz Direct - Brian = Vass VP IT '
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544


I was just about to send this but decided to send it to you  = 1st




If you think I can pay you $ 10,000 year for answering the phone =

& you will not go back to $ 1.00 per call we are in a bad place. You can = play

out this hand all you want but you will force us in another = direction.


Bottom line is we could not sell enough floors to pay you $ 10,000 per = year.

In addition, you referred to no one can work for free & you need to pay = your people  

well it would appear to me by your response that our business is not worth = keeping.


“No one can work for free” so you will be fine w/o out business.  =


Dan = Cosgrove, President
Brazilian Direct Ltd.
888-4JATOBA (888-452-8622)  Ext 107
888-246-1964&= nbsp;(FAX)
267-221-6133 (CELL)<= o:p>

Join the professional network and register at
www.brazilianhardwood= .com/_crm/pro/

Please be sure to include previous
correspondence= when replying. =


From:= Deb Crown []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:43 AM
To: Dan Cosgrove
Cc: Nate Gefvert; -Braz Direct - Shannon O'Neal VP; -Braz Direct = - Brian Vass VP IT
Subject: RE: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544




Regarding the invoice: I applied $194.15 to the final = Jatoba invoice; that is what was owed on that account after the credit was = taken. Therefore, the 1802.85 was applied to Brazilian.


Regarding the per minute charge: I guess you don’t = recall that I had told you that we would be charging by the minute if we were working = off your website because time is the only method of tracking we would have. = We have been charging you in that way since June. In reality, it is my fault = that we hadn’t been charging you in that way even when on ‘the old = system’ because the calls were always very involved and took a lot of operator time. =


I feel Nate and Brian did a fantastic job (and I did not = charge you for any of Nate’s time that he spent on improving your = account) with tweaking everything to become more user-friendly and I think the results = speak for themselves; I believe that your staff now has better information to = work with. We are not interested in reverting back to the old way and = I’d guess that your sales staff is not either. I understand the issues with the = economy, etc. The bottom line is that we all have to be able to pay our people; there = is no sense in selling anyone a floor if you didn’t make any money off = it; same for us. No one can afford to work for free.


I just ran a report and, since Aug 1, we have processed = 410 calls with the average talk time being 1.5 minutes. I think that is = excellent. If you’d like to try to eliminate the ‘junk’ calls so = we would not have to speak to them at all, perhaps that could be done be putting a different = message in the greeting voice mail.


I value any input that you, Brian or Shannon may = have….






From:= Dan = Cosgrove []
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:13 AM
To: Deb Crown
Cc: Nate Gefvert; -Braz Direct - Shannon O'Neal VP; -Braz Direct = - Brian Vass VP IT
Subject: brazilian direct ltd account # 3544 invoice # = 08082603544




In looking at a recent bill in August, it appears like the switch from a $ = 1.00 per call have gone over to

@ $ 1.00 per minute (Operator talk time ).  In stead of spending @ $ = 200.00 month we have tripled that now at $ 702.48 per month =

or 3 x the expenditure.  I do not know how to fix this but we will = need to go back to the old system ASAP.

The industry over all is as bad a the economy & tripling our cost per = month (regardless of the improvements)

is just not feasible at this time.   Can we do anything to adjust = this bill ?


I will have Brian & Nate work on this today ASAP


In addition, i dropped off a check # 2607 the day of the meeting 8/13 for $ 2000.00 & I see only 1802.85 posted?



Dan Cosgrove, President
Brazilian Direct Ltd.

Direct line 888-452-8622 Ext 107

888-246-1964&= nbsp;(FAX)

Join the professional network and register at
www.brazilianhardwood= .com/_crm/pro/

Please be sure to include previous

correspondenc= e when replying.




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